Editor : Fernand Hazan

7 books in this category
Dictionnaire de poche : l'impressionnisme
Réf. 63796

Dictionnaire de poche : l'impressionnisme

Paris. - Fernand Hazan. - 1972.


Réf. 63556


Paris - Fernand Hazan - 1948.

"Adolphe tells of the inexorable breakdown of a love relationship. After seducing Ellénore out of vanity rather than love, Adolphe is unable to break up or love. His indecision, between sincerity and bad faith, as well as a kind of sadism mixed with…

le second livre de la jungle
Réf. 57238

Le second livre de la jungle

Paris. - Fernand Hazan. - 1947.

Translated from the English by Louis Fabulet and Robert d'Humières.

The author of The Jungle Book repeats the same story in this second part where we find many familiar faces.…

Le rouge et le noir
Réf. 57101

Le rouge et le noir

Paris - Fernand Hazan - 1947.

Collection "The Classics of the World".

Introduction and notes by Henri MARTINEAU.

"Le Rouge et le Noir, subtitled Chronique du XIXe siècle, then Chronique de 1830, is a novel written by Stendhal, first published in Paris by Levasseur on 13 November…

Réf. 56675


Paris - Fernand Hazan - 1948.

"Adolphe tells of the inexorable breakdown of a love relationship. After seducing Ellénore out of vanity rather than love, Adolphe is unable to break up or love. His indecision, between sincerity and bad faith, as well as a kind of sadism mixed with…

Le second livre de la jungle
Réf. 55752

Les chardons du Baragan

Paris - Fernand Hazan - 1947.

Collection "All over the world".

Les Chardons du Baragan (in Romanian Bărăgan) is a novel by the French-language Romanian writer Panaït Istrati, published in 1928. It is conceived both as a fictional autobiography and a picaresque and learning novel.…

Raoul Dufy
Réf. 53267

Raoul Dufy

Paris - Fernand Hazan - 1952.

Collection "Aldine Arts Library". 13th volume. …


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