Author : GYP

6 books in this category
Madame La Duchesse
Réf. 63723

Madame La Duchesse

Paris - Calmann-Lévy - 1893

FIRST EDITION. One of the 5 numbered copies on Japanese imperial paper, the only large paper.…

Balancez vos Dames!
Réf. 38183

Balancez vos Dames!

Paris - Librairie Nilsson -

Excelsior" collection .…

Réf. 2763

Ohé! Les dirigeants!

GYP illustrated by Petit Bob
Paris - Léon Chailley - 1896

Correct state. Cute. Cute.…

Réf. 2764

Les Gens chics

GYP illustrated by BOB
Paris - G. Charpentier Et E. Fasquelle - 1895

In good condition.…

Réf. 2765

Les Gens chics

GYP illustrated by BOB
Paris - G. Charpentier Et E. Fasquelle - 1895

In good condition.…

Réf. 2794

BOB à l'Exposition

GYP illustrated by BOB
Paris - Calmann-Lévy - 1889

Beautiful interior condition.…


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